
Peak Jewish population:

Current Jewish Community:


Current Synagogue Use:

Jewish Cemetery:

Town References

Museum: memorialscrollstrust.org
Notes: The home of the Czech Torah Scrolls which surived the Holocaust and came to London in 1962.

Museum: https://jewishmuseum.org.uk/
Notes: A museum that tells the story of the history and heritage of Jews in Britain through universal themes of migration, family, faith

Museum: https://www.iwm.org.uk/events/the-holocaust-exhibition
Notes: IWM is a family of five museums and historic sites covering war and conflict from the First World War to the present day. The Holocaust Exhibition tells the story of the Nazi persecution of the Jews and other groups before and during the Second World War. The origins and implementation of the ‘Final Solution’ are laid bare, with photographs, documents, artefacts, posters and film offering stark evidence of how persecution turned to mass extermination.

Museum: www.holocaustcentre.net
Notes: Through galleries, memorial gardens and talks to survivors, the Centre promotes an understanding of the roots of discrimination and prejudice

University: le.ac.uk/stanley-burton

University: https://www.royalholloway.ac.uk/research-and-teaching/departments-and-schools/history/research/our-research-centres-and-institutes/holocaust-research-institute/

Library: https://www.bl.uk/
Notes: The National Library of the UK

Museum: https://www.britishmuseum.org/
Notes: The oldest and largest museum in London

Museum: https://www.benuri.org.uk/
Notes: We hold Europe’s only collection principally dedicated to emigre artists whether refugees or immigrants by choice or as more often as a result of terror. This unique collection comprises of over 1300 works by over 400 artists from 40 countries of birth.

Museum: https://www.freud.org.uk/
Notes: This was the final home of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, and his daughter Anna Freud, a pioneering child psychoanalyst.

Museum: https://www.manchesterjewishmuseum.com/
Notes: The Museum’s collection is made up of objects, documents, photographs and oral histories charting the many stories and experiences of Manchester Jewish life

University: https://www.ochjs.ac.uk/
Notes: The Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies of the University of Oxford, fully funded by the Oxford Centre, is the leading research centre for academic Jewish studies in Europe. Today, Hebrew and Jewish studies at Oxford are more wide-ranging, more influential and more exciting than at any time in the history of the University.

University: https://www.southampton.ac.uk/parkes/index.page?
Notes: The Parkes Institute is one of the world’s leading centres for the study of Jewish/non-Jewish relations. Our scholarly expertise ranges from antiquity through to the present day, and our archive is one of the largest Jewish documentation centres in Europe.

Archive: http://www.sjac.org.uk/
Notes: The Scottish Jewish Archive Centre is dedicated to preserving Scotland's Jewish heritage by collecting historic material relating to the experiences of Jewish people in Scotland over the past 200 years.

Museum: https://www.jmberlin.de/en
Notes: We are a place of active reflection on Jewish history and culture—on the diversity of Jewish perspectives as well as the history of the relationship between Jews and their non-Jewish environments.

Museum: https://en.jkmas.de/
Notes: The Jewish Museum Augsburg Swabia documents the rich culture and checkered history of the Jews in Augsburg and Swabia from the Middle Ages to the present.

Museum: https://www.centrumjudaicum.de/cjudaicum_wp/en/
Notes: The New Synagogue Berlin – Centrum Judaicum Foundation was founded in July 1988. Its mission was to “rebuild the New Synagogue in the Oranienburger Straße in Berlin for present and future generations and create a center for preserving and fostering Jewish culture.”

Memorial / Information Centre: https://www.stiftung-denkmal.de/en/home.html
Notes: The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in the centre of Berlin is the German Holocaust Memorial honouring and remembering the up to six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Located between the Brandenburg Gate and Potsdamer Platz, the Memorial consists of the Field of Stelae designed by Peter Eisenman and the subterranean Information Centre

Museum: http://www.stiftung-jmc.de/
Notes: The exhibition shows the regional roots and particularities of Jewish life in Creglingen and in its partial community Archshofen. Ways and destinies, which led the Jews from their native country abroad, will be outlined and the common past of Jews and „non-Jews“ shall be brought back in memory.

Museum: https://blaueshausbreisach.de/en/
Notes: The Blue House in Breisach is a memorial site and educational establishment dedicated to the history of the Jews of the Upper Rhine. Events and educational programs at this historic location help recall the historical Jewish communities, the co-existence of Christians and Jews as well as the violent end of Jewish life under the Nazi dictatorship in 1940, with references to the present day.

Museum: https://www.jmw-dorsten.de/english-summary/
Notes: Visitors can learn about Jewish history in Westphalia and the Jewish religion and they have the opportunity to experience Jewish history and culture in a regional context as well as to reflect on Jewish life in Germany in the past and present.

Museum: https://www.juedisches-museum-emmendingen.de/
Notes: The Jewish Museum Emmendingen contains exhibitions about the Jewish community of Emmendingen 1716-1940 and Jewish culture in general.

Museum: https://www.essen.de/rathaus/aemter/ordner_45_9/alte_synagoge/start_2/start_5.en.html
Notes: Located in the former synagogue of Essen, there are now exhibitions about jewish culture and the history of Essen's Jewish community.

Museum: https://www.juedischesmuseum.de/en/visit/jewish-museum-frankfurt/
Notes: Our two permanent exhibitions enable you to experience more than 800 years of Jewish life in Frankfurt.

Museum: https://www.juedischesmuseum.de/en/visit/detail/museum-judengasse-exhibition/
Notes: The Judengasse in Frankfurt used to be one of the most important centres of Jewish life in Europe. The permanent exhibition presents that history with a special focus on everyday Jewish life in the early modern era

Museum: https://www.juedisches-museum.org/
Notes: The Jewish Museum Franken has a sizeable collection of Judaica which convey the history of Jews in Franken throughout time.

Museum: https://www.goeppingen.de/start/Kultur/Juedisches+Museum.html
Notes: The Museum shows the history of the Jewish community in Göppingen - Jebenhausen since 1777.

Museum: https://www.moses-mendelssohn-akademie.de/berend-lehmann-76.html
Notes: The Behrend Lehmann Museum for Jewish history and culture is named after the Court Jew Behrend Lehmann (1661-1730), one of the most eminent Court Jews of the period, who improved the condition of Jews in Haberstadt.

Museum: https://shmh.de/en/catalog/product/view/id/306/s/permanent-exhibition-jews-in-hamburg/
Notes: The exhibition Jews in Hamburg presents the history of Jewish people in Hamburg during the past 400 years: the difficult period around 1600, the arduous process of emancipation until legal equality was achieved in the late 19th century, the golden age during the Weimar Republic, the era of fascist persecution and genocide and the reestablishment of the Jewish community after 1945.

Memorial: https://www.gedenkstaetten-suedlicher-oberrhein.de/en/gedenkstaetten/kippenheim/
Notes: The Kippenheim Synagogue bears witness to religious Jewish life in a Christian environment, contemporary history of the desecration by national socialist violence, and finally its condition today, the handling of the national socialist history and the Jewish heritage.

Museum: https://museum-laupheim.de/
Notes: The Museum of Christian and Jewish History in Laupheim presents the relations of a Christian majority and a Jewish minority in Laupheim.

Museum: https://www.juedisches-museum-muenchen.de/en.html
Notes: The Jewish Museum Munich is a vibrant place showcasing the diversity of Jewish history and culture as well as the wide variety of Jewish lifeworlds and identities, while also focusing on the subjects of migration and inclusion.

Memorial: https://www.gedenkstaetten-suedlicher-oberrhein.de/en/gedenkstaetten/offenburg/
Notes: Two historical presentations in the gallery of the Salmen hall are a reminder of the proclamation of the draft of the first German constitution which embodies the dawn of a new era of free state under the rule of law and the devastation of the Offenburg Synagogue which stood for the end of freedom and tolerance.

Museum: https://jmrd.de/en/homepage
Notes: The Jewish Museum in Rendsburg was one of the first Jewish museums to be founded in Germany after World War 2. It provides an insight into the history of the Jews in Schleswig-Holstein, the Jewish religion and identity. Moreover, it exhibits the works of selected Jewish artists. The museum is housed in the oldest maintained synagogue in Schleswig-Holstein and is therefore not only an exhibition house, but also a historic architectural monument and memorial place.

Museum: https://www.speyer.de/sv_speyer/en/Tourism/Museums%20and%20Learning%20Places/SchPIRA%20Museum/
Notes: In order to furnish the SchPIRA Museum, the Historical Museum of the Palatinate and the State Office for Historic Preservation made a permanent loan of their collections of Judaica to the museum. Archaeological exhibits of the three important pillars of the Jewish community are shown there: synagogue, ritual bath and cemetery.

Memorial: https://www.gedenkstaetten-suedlicher-oberrhein.de/en/gedenkstaetten/sulzburg/
Notes: In the mid-70ies the fromer Synagogue of Sulzburg became municipal property and was restored as cultural monument and memorial site.

Museum: https://www.worms.de/juedisches-museum-EN/
Notes: In the Middle Ages, the Jewish community in Worms enjoyed a high reputation throughout western Europe as “Little Jerusalem on the Rhine”. Still today, there are unique records and reminders of Jewish life to be seen and visited in Worms, among them the Jewish Museum in the Rashi House. Come inside and learn all about the long history of this building and about the wide range of exhibits on religious and everyday life in the Jewish community from the Middle Ages up into the 20th century.

Museum: https://juedisches-leben.erfurt.de/jl/de/mittelalter/alte_synagoge/index.html
Notes: The Old Synagogue in Erfurt showcases the history of the Jewish community there in Middle Age, including the old cemetery, the architecture and old Jewish treasures.

Memorial: http://www.kz-gedenkstaette-dachau.de/index-e.html
Notes: The Memorial Site on the grounds of the former concentration camp was established in 1965 on the initiative of and in accordance with the plans of the surviving prisoners who had joined together to form the Comité International de Dachau. The Bavarian state government provided financial support. Between 1996 and 2003 a new exhibition on the history of the Dachau concentration camp was created, following the leitmotif of the "Path of the Prisoners".

Memorial: https://www.kz-gedenkstaette-neuengamme.de/en/?no_cache=1
Notes: The Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial is located on the historic site of the former Neuengamme concentration camp in the Bergedorf borough of Hamburg, where several exhibitions present the history and the crimes of the concentration camp.

Memorial: https://www.sachsenhausen-sbg.de/en/
Notes: The Sachsenhausen Memorial is designed according to a decentral concept that is intended to allow visitors to experience history at the actual sites it occurred. Its thirteen exhibitions connect the displays showing the history of each specific location with a thread connecting them into an overall narrative

Museum: https://miqua.lvr.de/de/index.html
Notes: Here nearly 2000 years of history and urban development come alive, manifested in an archaeological site covering more than 6000 m² with features and finds from the Roman period up to the 20th century. The exhibition will tell the diverse story of the place and the people who lived here, the story of leadership and everyday life, coexistence, religion and violence, inclusion and exclusion

Museum: http://www.am-spiegelgasse.de/en/
Notes: The Active Museum shows the significant historical role that Jews played in the spiritual, cultural and economic development of Wiesbaden. It also displays aspects of Jewish culture, intending them to play a greater role in the general culture of the city.

Museum: https://www.jm-hohenems.at/en
Notes: The Jewish Museum of Hohenems remembers the Jewish community of Hohenems and its various contributions to the development of Vorarlberg and the surrounding regions of the Alps. It tells a story about the Diaspora and it confronts contemporary questions of Jewish life and culture in Europe, questions of living together and of migration.

Museum: https://www.juedisches-museum.ch/en/
Notes: It tells the cultural history of the Jews in the area of today’s Switzerland and of Judaism as a religion via topics of universal concern: migration, family, community and faith. It opened in 1966 as the first Jewish Museum in German-speaking Europe after World War II.

Museum: https://www.visit.alsace/en/269000102-the-jewish-alsatian-museum/
Notes: The museum highlights the culture of Jews in Alsace and recounts their history, telling of everyday life through the ages with their Christian neighbours.

Museum: https://www.mahj.org/en
Notes: The Museum of Jewish Art and History is situated in the historic Marais district in one of the finest private mansions in Paris. It retraces the development of Jewish communities through their cultural heritage and traditions. It places special emphasis on the history of the Jews in France, but also looks at the communities in Europe and North Africa, which helped to make French Judaism what it is today

Museum: http://www.mjb-jmb.org/
Notes: The Jewish Museum of Belgium is located in the Brussels historical section of the Sablon and of the Mont des Arts. It’s a place where tradition and open mindedness merge with the ambition of being accessible to everyone. Its purpose is to promote knowledge and understanding of worldwide Jewish culture and history while emphasizing their spiritual and material wealth.

Museum: https://jck.nl/
Notes: The Jewish Historical Museum is a beautiful, high-profile museum that occupies four monumental synagogue buildings in the middle of the Jewish Cultural Quarter. It provides a unique picture of past and present Dutch Jewish life in all its facets. The museum has an extensive collection of items ranging from paintings to films, and from utensils to 3D presentations. At any one time there are also two temporary exhibitions on display.

Museum: https://sjoelelburg.nl/
Notes: Sjoel Elburg is a story museum about the history of Jews in the media (the province). Stories about the (ordinary) daily life of twelve Jewish families who lived in Elburg since 1700. Sjoel Elburg offers a historical perspective for a current theme: integration and tolerance. How were minority groups viewed in the past? How did Jewish and non-Jewish Elburgers live next to each other? Sjoel Elburg presents the Jewish history in a dynamic, unorthodox, engaging and selfish way, allowing for its own musical sound.

Museum: https://jewmus.dk/en/the-danish-jewish-museum/
Notes:  The exhibition of the Danish Jewish Museum is a broad presentation of Jewish life in Denmark through 400 years, and is a selection from the museum’s own collection.

Museum: http://www.jmw.at/en
Notes: This permanent exhibition is entitled “Our City! Jewish Vienna - Then to Now.” and opened on November 18, 2013, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Museum and the 20th anniversary of its move to Palais Eskeles.

Museum: http://www.jmw.at/en
Notes: In December 2010, ten years after the opening of Museum Judenplatz, the Jewish Museum Vienna devised a new permanent exhibition on medieval history and adapted the ground-floor rooms for temporary exhibitions.

Museum: http://www.synagogue.sk/
Notes: The Jewish Community Museum focuses on the history and culture of the Jewish community of Bratislava and its surrounding region. The museum’s permanent exhibition, The Jews of Bratislava and Their Heritage, is installed on the upper floor of the synagogue, which is still used as an active house of Jewish worship.

Museum: http://www.meranoebraica.it/en
Notes: The Jewish Museum Meran narrates the development of the Jewish community in Meran.

Museum: http://www.casalebraica.org/
Notes: A Jewish Art and History Museum, a Synagogue and a Museum of Lights

Museum: http://www.museoebraico.it/en/
Notes: The Jewish Museum of Venice is situated in the Campo of the Ghetto Novo, between the two most ancient Venetian synagogues. It is a little but very rich museum founded in 1953 by the Jewish Community of Venice.

Museum: http://sinagogatrani.sistemab.it/en/il-museo/
Notes: The new section of Trani’s Diocesan Museum is dedicated to Jewish Art. It is situated in a unique site which was both a synagogue and a church. Its architectural and religious history spans from the middle ages to the nineteenth century. The museum includes various archeological findings of the Jewish history of the town and a variety of archival documents (Medieval privileges, Royal and Episcopal licenses).

Museum: http://seety.it/dettaglio_azienda.php?id=535&ca_id=34
Notes: The museum's objective is, according to it's website, to bring back to memory and highlight the long presence of the Jewish community in the city, which probably settled in the area in late antiquity and lasted until the middle of 1500s.

Museum: http://www.palazzotaurino.com/
Notes: "Museo ebraico - Jewish Museum Lecce"  is in the heart of the old Jewish neighbourhood. It is a cultural center that holds the permanent exhibition "Below the Baroque: discovering medieval Jewish Lecce". The project started from a private initiative with the aim of bringing to light the history of Medieval Lecce, focusing on the local Jewish community.

Museum: https://www.coopculture.it/en/heritage.cfm?id=37
Notes: Set up on two floors inside the building, it hosts a rich collection of ceremonial Jewish art objects. Silver pieces and fabrics originating from the old synagogues of the Florentine Jewish ghetto and photographic and archival documentation of the history of the Jewish community in Florence.

Museum: http://www.museoebraicobo.it/en/jewish-museum-of-bologna
Notes: The permanent section is focused on the issue of Jewish identity and describes the highlights of Jewish history over nearly 4000 years, during which each generation has maintained strong ties with the previous one, thereby ensuring continuity between ancient, medieval, modern  history and contemporary Judaism.

Museum: https://www.museoebraico.roma.it/en/
Notes: Our Museum is the museum of the Jewish Community of Rome, a unique community been in this city for over twenty-two centuries: this is the topic we decided to work on. But our museum does not belong in a conceptual sense, only to the Jews.It contains a part of the history of Rome. So it is also a civic museum and as such is expected to highlight the relationship between Jews and Romans, seen as a physical place and as a laboratory for coexistence, and as the capital of a nation, Italy, which had for over two thousand years a very special relationship with Judaism.

Museum: https://www.meisweb.it/en
Notes: The Museo Nazionale dell’Ebraismo Italiano e della Shoah - MEIS (National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah) was founded to “bear witness to the events that have characterized the two thousand years of Jewish presence in Italy”. This decision recognizes, and enhances, the exceptional continuity of the rich, uninterrupted — but not widely known — path travelled by the Jews, their traditions making a fundamental contribution to the history and fabric of the nation; a cultural contribution wrought between periods of calmer coexistence and fruitful interaction and other tragic times of persecution and banishment, culminating in the tragedy of the Shoah.

Museum: http://www.triestebraica.it/it/
Notes: Opened in 1993, the Carlo and Vera Wagner Museum was created to protect this Jewish past and provide a permanent home for the Judaica collection that the Jewish Community of Trieste has owned for centuries. The museum contains extremely important historical documents and has a section dedicated to the memory of Trieste residents deported during the Holocaust.

Museum: http://www.girona.cat/call/eng/index.php
Notes: The main aim of the Museum is to preserve and reflect the history of the Jewish communities of Catalonia, which throughout the entire medieval period formed part of, and made a decisive contribution to, the history of the country and its cultural and scientific development. In most cases an attempt has been made to illustrate the explanations given during the visit to the Museum with examples of items originating from Girona's own Jewish history. These examples, which may be in documentary, archaeological or pictorial form, thus offer a general explanation of the pattern of Jewish life in medieval Catalonia.

Museum: http://www.culturaydeporte.gob.es/msefardi/en/home.html
Notes: The Sephardic Museum was created under the 1964 Decree, which placed it in the most important Hispanic-Jewish building in Spain: the Synagogue of Samuel ha-Levi, or the Synagogue of Transit, located in the ancient Jewish quarter in Toledo

Notes: The Museum recreates the culture and history of the Jewish community in Granada until their expulsion in 1492.

Museum: http://www.cm-tomar.pt/index.php/pt/sinagoga
Notes: t was built in the 15th century and closed in 1496, when the Portuguese Jews were expelled from the country. It was later turned into a prison and in the 17th there is a reference to it as the S. Bartolomeu Chapel. In the 19th century it was used a barn, a granary, a goods warehouse and a storage room. Only in 1921 was it possible to restore its lost dignity when it was classified as a National Monument.

Museum: http://ww3.comune.fe.it/museoebraico/index_e.htm
Notes: The Jewish Museum of Ferrara is housed in the heart of the city's medieval centre only a short distance from the Cathedral and next to the Castello Estense. In the ancient palace in Via Mazzini ( formerly Via Sabbioni ) and which for centuries has been the focal point of Jewish life in the city of Ferrara, visitors to the Museum have access to three synagogues - two of which are still operative - on the upper floors of the building where four rooms have recently been created and which now house the permanent museum.

Museum: https://www.pathsoffaith.com/en/jewish-legacy/belmonte-jewish-museum
Notes: It is Portugal’s first Jewish Museum that portrays the History of Jewish people in this country, as well as its integration in the Portuguese society and the decisive role it played in Portuguese culture, art, literature and trade.

Museum: https://www.snm.sk/?about-the-museum-11
Notes: An exhibition permanently housed in the Zsigray Mansion in Bratislava aims at the presentation of Jewish material and spiritual culture and the documentation of Holocaust in Slovakia. The collections and exhibitions present to the public objects of everyday life, documents and objects of visual art. The museum also administers four exhibitions displayed in the synagogue in Prešov.

Museum: https://www.jewishmuseum.lv/
Notes: The mission of the museum "Jews in Latvia" is to preserve the rich cultural heritage and historical evidence of Latvian Jewish community from its origins in the 16th century to the present day, and thus to contribute to the growth of tolerance and the concept of diversity among the local population of Latvia and foreign tourists.

Museum: http://lostshtetl.com/museum-project/
Notes: The museum, slated to open in 2022, will be part of the Lost Shtetl memorial complex in and around the small town of Šeduva, Lithuania. It will be located across the road from the town’s restored Jewish cemetery, which is part of the complex. The Lost Shtetl museum will tell the story of the life of what was once the largest European Litvak Jewish population living in shtetls. Lifestyle, customs, religion and the social, professional and family life of the Jews of Šeduva will serve as the centerpiece of the museum exhibition. Museum visitors will be taught the tragedy of Šeduva’s Jewish history, which ended in three pits near the shtetl in the early days of World War II, concluding five centuries of the history of the Jews of Šeduva.

Museum: http://www.jmuseum.lt/en/
Notes: Together we discover authentic Lithuanian Jewish world, preserve heritage, learn from history and create common future.

Museum: https://www.polin.pl/en
Notes: The Core Exhibition is a journey through 1000 years of the history of Polish Jews – from the Middle Ages until today. Visitors will find answers to questions such as: how did Jews come to Poland? How did Poland become the center of the Jewish Diaspora and the home of the largest Jewish community in the world? How did it cease to be one, and how is Jewish life being revived?

Museum: http://www.jhi.pl/en
Notes: The collection includes about 8.000 paintings and graphics, sculpture and metalwork, judaica and historical memorabilia.

Museum: http://synagogaplocka.pl/en
Notes: An educational and cultural institution, the Museum of Mazovian Jews is dedicated to the history of Jewish settlement in Poland.

Museum: https://ajcf.pl/en/museum/
Notes: In the exhibition, photographs of individuals and families, documents and artifacts from local Jewish organizations and businesses, and the Judaica excavated in 2004 from beneath the site of the Oświęcim Great Synagogue bring to life the vital Jewish town that Oświęcim once was.

Museum: http://www.galiciajewishmuseum.org/en
Notes: The Galicia Jewish Museum exists to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust and celebrate the Jewish culture of Polish Galicia, presenting Jewish history from a new perspective. An innovative and unique institution located in Kazimierz, the Jewish district of Kraków, Poland, the Museum is a registered charity in Poland. The objectives of the Museum are to challenge the stereotypes and misconceptions typically associated with the Jewish past in Poland and to educate both Poles and Jews about their own histories, whilst encouraging them to think about the future.

Museum: https://judiskamuseet.se/?lang=en
Notes: The Jewish Museum tells the story of Jewish thought, Jewish practices, and Swedish history to everyone who is curious about Jewish history and Swedish-Jewish heritage.

Museum: https://www.jodiskmuseumoslo.no/en-gb/home
Notes: Oslo Jewish Museum´s (JMO) aim is to collect, keep, research and communicate reliable knowledge on Jewish immigration, life and integration into Norwegian society. The museum’s collections are the foundation on which everything else rests. JMO aims to be an open and vibrant museum and cultural centre, visible in Norwegian cultural life and politics through publications, lectures, concerts, various exhibitions and further outreach activities. Topics to be covered are Jewish culture, tradition, history and Judaism.

Museum: http://www.jodiskmuseum.org/English.html
Notes: In the Jewish Museum Trondheim one can explore Jewish history, culture, identity and religious practice in the central and northern part of Norway. The museum has two permanent exhibitions; one is devoted to Jewish life in the Trondheim area, and the second describes the history of Trondheim’s Jewish community with emphasis on the Shoah and presents how the war affected Jews in this area of Norway.

Museum: https://muuseum.jewish.ee/
Notes: The museum tells the life of Estonian Jews from the 19th century to present day, and their contribution to Estonian life.

Museum: https://www.jewishmuseum.gr/
Notes: Τhe collections of the Jewish Museum of Greece include more than 10,000 original artefacts, which document the material evidences of 2.300 years of Jewish history and culture in Greece.

Museum: http://muzejsarajeva.ba/en/depadance/the-jewish-museum
Notes: The Jewish Museum or Museum of the Jews of Bosnia and Herzegovina is housed in the oldest synagogue in Bosnia and Herzegovina, built in 1581. Many experts are of the opinion that this was the finest exhibition space in the whole of ex-Yugoslavia; and indeed, on entering the Synagogue, one steps into a different, sheltered world, which attests to the centuries-old presence of the Jews in this country and to the contribution they made to its development in many fields, particularly science and the arts. Particular attention is devoted to the suffering of the Jews during World War II. This dependency of the Sarajevo Museum is located in Velika avilja.

Museum: https://www.zemaljskimuzej.ba/en
Notes: The National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina display several exhibitions about natural sciences as well as archeology and ethnology, amongst which we can also find several exhibits about Jewish culture such as the Sarajevo Haggadah, a collection of religious rules and traditions arranged into the order of the Seder observed on Passover, the holiday celebrating the liberation of the Jews from slavery in Egypt.

Museum: http://enmilev.weebly.com/
Notes: The Hungarian Jewish Museum opened in January 1916, in a private apartment in Hold utca. The collection, which had been started on the initiative of Jewish intellectuals, already consisted of nearly 1500 objects, first and foremost Jewish ceremonial objects and relics of the history of Hungarian Jewry. 

Museum: http://szombathelyizsidohitkozseg.hu/english-german/
Notes: The museum, opened during the annual ceremonies marking the city’s Holocaust memorial day July 7, features exhibits on the Shoah as well as other material aimed at “all those who are interested in the history and rich tradition of the Jews of Szombathely.” It features ritual objects and historical information. Among the exhibits is an installation recreating a typical Jewish family’s living from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, arrayed as if on the eve of Shabbat.

Synagogue: http://www.sinagogamaribor.si/
Notes: The Maribor synagogue is one of the more important monuments of Jewish cultural heritage within the Slovenian territory, and also one of the older preserved synagogues within the Central European area

Notes: The museum gives broad coverage of the history of the Jews in Romania. Displays include an enormous collection of books written, published, illustrated, or translated by Romanian Jews; a serious archive of the history of Romanian Jewry; a collection of paintings of and by Romanian Jews that, while relatively small, consists of works of a calibre worthy of a major art museum (many of the same artists' works hang in the National Museum of Art); memorabilia from Jewish theaters including the State Jewish Theater; a medium-sized display devoted to Zionism; a small but pointed display of anti-Semitic posters and tracts; two rooms off to a side, one dealing with the Holocaust era from a historical point of view, the other a Holocaust memorial; discussion of both favorable and unfavorable treatment of the Jews by various of Romania's historic rulers; in short, a museum devoted to looking seriously at the history of a particular ethnic group within a society.

Museum: http://www.jimbeograd.org/en/
Notes: The permanent exhibition was opened in 1969. Thanks to the complex and highly subtle design, the age of the exhibition does not belittle its attractiveness and the high quality of information that it provides about Jewish history and way of life. Geographically, the exhibition covers the region of the whole former Yugoslavia, while in terms of time it covers the history of Jews since their first arrival to this region, in the II – III century, until the World War Two and the Holocaust, and includes the period of rehabilitation of the Jewish community. This lengthy period of time is presented in summary on 200 m2, and it enables the visitor to learn about Jewish habits, architecture, culture and art.

Museum: http://www.jmth.gr/
Notes: The task of the museum is to collect documents and heirlooms which have not been destroyed during the Holocaust, to preserve the remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust and to encourage the research about the continuous presence of the Jews in Thessaloniki for more than 2000 years..

Museum: http://www.rhodesjewishmuseum.org/
Notes: The Jewish Museum is found in the Old Jewish quarter of Rhodes Town. The museum, founded by Aaron Hasson in 1977 is housed in two rooms at the historic Kahal Shalom Synagogue of Rhodes, built in 1577. The museum reopened in 2006 after undergoing several renovations. The original objective of the Jewish Museum of Rhodes is to present historic facts from the life of Jewish people on the island. The exhibits displayed in the museum include many ketubbah, that is a marriage contract, from 1852 and 1891 as well as a Jewish theological book written in the Ladini dialect (Judeo-Spanish). There is also a Turkish travel document issued in 1910 by the authority of Sultan Mehmet Reshat allowing 20-year old Isaac Nessim Ben Veniste to leave with his family to another country. On the walls, you will see many photos of the Rhodes-Jewish community from different periods.

Museum: http://www.muze500.com/index.php?lang=en
Notes: The museum consists of the presentation of the 2600 years of historical and cultural heritage of Turkish Jews in this land, their contributions  to the social and state life of the country they live in; of sections presenting the history,the  ethnography,The  Midrash, where religious objects are exhibited, the traditions, the life cycle and the settlements.

Notes: The Synagogue (1352, the second oldest in Europe after Prague) and Jewish museum are set in a building which could be reached from within the surrounding houses in what was once the Jewish ghetto. A permanent Jewish community here was founded at the end of the 15th century following the exodus from Portugal and Spain. The community flourished and included respected doctors, merchants and state representatives. Jews in Dubrovnik enjoyed relative freedom, but there were some restrictions on their activities at certain points in history. The Synagogue is tiny and delightful, with heavy velvet drapes and a richly painted, midnight blue ceiling. The museum contains valuable menorahs and Torah scrolls, alongside information on the history of the Jewish community in Dubrovnik.

Synagogue: https://sopronimuzeum.hu/en/2017/08/25/old-synagogue/
Notes: The medieval synagogue was built at the end of the 12th century and the beginning of the 13th century. It was a tabernacle, an assembly hall and a school also. The Jews living here dealt with trade and finance were not really rich people although they managed to build up this Gothic styled synagogue at the beginning of the 14th century – which is nearly unique in Central Europe.

Museum: http://www.muzejew.org.ua/Index-En.html
Notes: he Chernivtsi Museum of the History and Culture of Bukovinian Jews was opened in 2008. It is envisaged as a monument to the Bukovinian Jewry – a subethnic group, which formed in Bukovina in the late 18th – early 20th centuries and left unique historical-cultural heritage here. The museum’s mission is to preserve this heritage and make it more widely known by means of preserving the permanent exhibition; staging temporary exhibitions; implementing scientific, educational and cultural projects; creating communicative network with the Jews who once lived in Bukovina and their descendants, who live today around the world.

Museum: http://migdalworld.org/our-program/the-odessa-jewish-museum/
Notes: Despite the small parameters of the museum (total area of exhibition space is 160 sq meters) Museum collected a rich collection of documents, photographs, books, newspapers, postcards, religious garment, household goods, music instruments and some pieces of art.

Museum: https://jewishmuseum.ie/
Notes: The Museum preserves an important, though small, part of Ireland’s cultural and historic heritage.
The Museum contains a substantial collection of memorabilia relating to the Irish Jewish communities and their various associations and contributions to present day Ireland. 
The Museum is an all-Ireland museum and its material associates with the communities of Belfast, Cork, Derry, Drogheda, Dublin, Limerick & Waterford and relates mostly to the last 150 years.

Museum: http://www.mievr.ru/en
Notes: The Museum of Jewish History in Russia strives to reconstruct a comprehensive picture of Jewish life in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, with all its varied cultural, social, and political forms.

Museum: http://www.jewish-museum.ru/en
Notes: The permanent exposition presents the history of Russia starting from the period of Catherine II the Great down to our days through the examples of the culture and everyday life of the Jewish people. Unlike many traditional historical museums the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center is interactive. Twelve themed halls designed by the leading company in the sphere of exhibition design — Ralph Appelbaum Associates — are equipped with panoramic cinemas, interactive screens, audiovisual installations created with the use of unique photo- and video-archives, documents and interviews. Major exhibitions introducing the main movements and names in fine arts are also held in the Museum.

Museum: http://www.gmir.ru/
Notes: The State Museum of the History of Religion is one of the world’s few museums and the only one of its kind in Russia. It houses a wide range of historical and cultural artifacts from various countries, ages, peoples. Permanent exhibition includes section “Judaism. The Bible Images and Motifs in the European Jewish Art (18th – 20th centuries)”. The museum challenge is in featuring of the Judaic collection through the temporary exhibitions, including ones focused on Jewish religious culture.

Museum: http://museum.ge/?lang_id=ENG
Notes: Georgian National Museum (GNM) was established in 2004 and unifies 20 museums and institutions in Tbilisi and regions of Georgia. GNM comprises museums, research centers and libraries, and preserves rich, authentic content of cultural heritage and provides learning experiences for everyone.  

Notes: Georgia and Israel have a long history of a friendly relationship, therefore this museum is dedicated to the Jewish history and culture in Tbilisi. Established in 1932, the museum showcases an interesting exhibition for you to learn more about Georgia-Palestine cultural and historical relations, different periods of the arrival of Jews in the country, the contribution of Georgian Jews to economic, public, cultural, and scientific fields in Georgia and many more.

Museum: http://www.jewishheritage.org.ua/en
Notes: The Faina Petryakova Center acts as a memorial institute, a private museum and a research center. The main aim of the Center is to preserve the past and promote the future of the Jewish culture.

Museum: https://www.bh.org.il/
Notes: The Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot connects Jewish people to their roots and strengthens their personal and collective Jewish identity. The Museum of the Jewish People conveys to the world the fascinating narrative of the Jewish people and the essence of the Jewish culture, faith, purpose and deed while presenting the contribution of world Jewry to humanity. The Museum opened in 1978 thanks to the vision of Nahum Goldmann, president of the World Jewish Congress 1954-1977. In 2005, the Israeli Knesset passed the Beit Hatfutsot Law that defines Beit Hatfutsot as “the National Center for Jewish communities in Israel and around the world”.

Museum: https://livluv.org.il/
Notes: The museum holds Judaica objects originating from the numerous and extinct communities in Libya’s main cities and hinterland villages. The permanent exhibition consists of items of Libyan Jewish craftsmanship (gold, silver, copper, wood and leather objects for ritual or everyday purposes), documents, photographs and textiles.

Museum: http://ijamuseum.org/
Notes: Through its unique images and artifacts, the Museum’s collection recreates the richness of Jewish life in Italy throughout the ages. A history of cultural multiplicity bonded Italian Jewry to Italy, a country beset by centuries of fractioned states. This trait of the Italian political situation is reflected in the Italian Jewish patrimony. The cultural legacy of Italian Jewry, its vitality, creativity and respect for diverse cultural forms is reflected in its objects of art.

Memorial: https://www.mauthausen-memorial.org/en
Notes: The Mauthausen Memorial today is an international site of remembrance and political-historical education. Here, the memory of the victims is being preserved, the history of the Mauthausen Concentration Camp and its sub-camps is being researched and documented, and through exhibitions and educational programmes its visitors are empowered to deal with and discuss the history of concentration camps.

Memorial: https://www.kazernedossin.eu/EN/
Notes: Based on the deportations from Dossin, this museum deals with the persecution of Jews and gypsies in Belgium and with mass murder and genocide itself.

Memorial: http://www.jusp-jasenovac.hr/Default.aspx?sid=5020
Notes: Jasenovac is a place in which visitors will discover the exceptional suffering and incredible courage of the Jasenovac victims, but also learn of the strength of hope in life and faith in humankind, as emphasised in particular by the survivors.

Museum & Memorial: https://www.pamatnik-terezin.cz/
Notes: The key mission of the Terezin Memorial, the only institution of its kind in the Czech Republic, is to commemorate the victims of the Nazi political and racial persecution during the occupation of the Czech lands in World War II, to promote museum, research and educational activities, and look after the memorial sites connected with the suffering and death of dozens of thousands of victims of violence.

Museum: https://www.vabamu.ee/en
Notes: We educate and involve the people of Estonia and its visitors and encourage everyone to think about the recent past, to sense the fragility of freedom, and to stand for freedom and justice.

Memorial: https://www.buchenwald.de/nc/en/896/
Notes: The new designed permanent exhibition on the history of Buchenwald concentration camp was opened at the former depot building on 17th April 2016. Covering 2000 square metres, the exhibition details the history of the camp and displays how it was embedded in the German society between 1937 and 1945. Objects and mementos given to the memorial by former inmates and their relatives will be on display for a broader public for the first time

Museum: http://hdke.hu/en/
Notes: We are proud that our Permanent Exhibition is one of the most interactive and most modern presentations currently on display in Hungarian museums. It introduces the history of the Jewish and Roma Holocaust through multimedia on touch-screens, by displaying original documents and objects, leading the visitors through specifically structured real personal and family histories. Beyond commemorating the victims, the emphasis of the exhibition is on education and assisting new generations to deal with the horrors of the past, thus contributing to forming a foundation for learning tolerance and overcoming contemporary challenges.  

Museum: https://www.gfh.org.il/eng
Notes: The Ghetto Fighters' House – Itzhak Katzenelson Holocaust and Jewish Resistance Heritage Museum– known as the “House” – is not only the first Holocaust museum in the world but also the first of its kind to be founded by Holocaust survivors.  Since its establishment in 1949, the museum tells the story of the Holocaust during World War II, emphasizing the bravery, spiritual triumph and the incredible ability of Holocaust survivors and the fighters of the revolt to rebuild their lives in a new country about which they had dreamed – the State of Israel.

Museum: https://bterezin.org.il/en/
Notes: The memorial room, which was initially built attached with an archive, has grown over the years into an educational center and museum. Unique exhibitions were added based on original exhibits from the establishment’s archive. The exhibitions present the life in the ghetto, the tremendous effort of the Jewish leadership to educate and rescue children and to maintain a cultural and sports routine within the impossible reality of the transports to the East, German propaganda and more.

Museum: http://www.rgm.lv/?lang=en
Notes: A window into the story of the Riga ghetto, the Holocaust in Latvia and Jewish life in Latvia before the Holocaust. We strive to preserve the lessons of the past and help the world progress to a future filled with more kindness, compassion and tolerance.

Museum: http://stutthof.org/english
Notes: Deportations to Stutthof began in 1939, and in 1942 it became a part of the "final solution". About 110000 people were kept in the camp, 65000 of them died before it was freed on the 9th of May 1945.

Museum: http://www.majdanek.eu/en
Notes: The mission of the Museum is to cultivate the memory and promote historical education about the German occupation in the Lublin region during World War II, particularly by means of commemorating the victims, preserving the relics and documenting the history of the concentration camp at Majdanek and the death camps in Bełżec and Sobibór.

Museum: http://www.belzec.eu/en
Notes: Museum – Memorial Site in Bełżec was founded in 2004 as a branch of the State Museum at Majdanek. One of its main responsibilities is documenting and commemorating the victims of the German death camp in Bełżec. The museum’s activity concentrates on historical education and providing guide services.

Museum: https://www.annefrank.org/en/
Notes: Jewish Anne Frank hid in 1942 from the nazi’s during the occupation of the Netherlands. Two years later she was discovered. In 1945 she died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

Memorial: http://www.memorialdelashoah.org/en
Notes: Pictures, texts, original documents, facsimiles, objects, films, sounds and other materials tell the history of the Holocaust. After entering the exhibition, visitors can take the route on their left, which focuses on France and includes individual destinies, while events in Europe are shown on their right. This design enables visitors to continuously move back and forth between history and testimony, the collective past and individual stories.

Art Gallery: https://www.spiroark.org/
Notes: Spiro Ark host regular art exhibitions showcasing the best of Jewish & Israeli art. The gallery is open to everyone so no matter your cultural or religious background please do pop into our venue in Baker Street, London, anytime. You can book tickets to our events below or you can read about past art events by reading our Jewish Art Reviews.

Museum: https://capitaljewishmuseum.org/
Notes: Expected to open in 2021.

Museum: https://www.thecjm.org/
Notes: Since its founding in 1984, The Contemporary Jewish Museum (The CJM) has distinguished itself as a welcoming place where visitors can connect with one another through dialogue and shared experiences with the arts. Ever changing, The CJM is a non-collecting institution that partners with national and international cultural institutions to present exhibitions that are both timely and relevant and represent the highest level of artistic achievement and scholarship.

Museum: https://syjcc.org/index.php/jewish-life/#rosenberg-jewish-discovery
Notes: The Alan & Helene Rosenberg Jewish Discovery Museum is a hands-on museum where children & their families can experience the joy & fun of learning about Jewish life, history, values, traditions & heroes, as well as Israel & the Hebrew language. The interactive displays are designed to transform visitors into participants, offering adults & children a unique opportunity to discover the wonders of their Jewish heritage.

Museum: https://www.alaskajewishmuseum.com/
Notes: The Alaska Jewish Museum (AJM) tells the stories of Alaska’s Jewish residents and their contribu­tions to the development of Alaska’s industries, government and culture from territorial days to the present. The AJM offers exhibits and programming to demonstrate the living connections between the past and the present.

Museum: http://www.ajhs.org/
Notes: The American Jewish Historical Society is the oldest ethnic, cultural archive in the United States. AJHS provides access to more than 30 million documents and 50,000 books, photographs, art and artifacts that reflect the history of the Jewish presence in the United States from 1654 to the present.

Museum: https://jccpgh.org/jewish-life-arts-events/american-jewish-museum/
Notes: The American Jewish Museum, housed in the JCC in Squirrel Hill,  explores contemporary Jewish art that facilitates dialogue about art, philosophy and culture to promote interfaith and intergenerational explorations.

Travelling Exhibition: https://www.annefrank.com/
Notes: The Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect honors Anne Frank and the continuing relevance of her diary to educate young people and communities in the US about the dangers of intolerance, anti-Semitism, racism, and discrimination, and to inspire every generation to build a world based on mutual respect.

Travelling Exhibition: https://www.barrfoundationyads.com/
Notes: The Barr Foundation Judaica, has assembled a remarkable collection of antique and contemporary torah pointers, known by the Hebrew word for "hand", yad. Created by artists from different ages and cultures and of diverse materials including wood, precious metals, jewels, ceramics and paper, these yads chronical the timeless, universal aesthetic guide in reading the Torah. While exclusively Jewish in origin and use, this trove of yads transcends religious iconography and appeals to all who appreciate the beauty and craftsmanship of fine art. For the first time, the Barr Foundation makes its collection available for public exhibition.

Museum: https://belzmuseum.org/
Notes: The Judaic Gallery, which opened to the public in the fall of 2004, contains over 200 works of art created by contemporary Jewish artists working and living in Israel today. Many of the pieces were commissioned by Mr. Belz from artists with whom he has personal relationships.

Museum: https://www.emanuelnyc.org/museum/
Notes: With pieces dating back to the 14th century, Bernard’s permanent collection features ritual and household objects both precious and humble, along with memorabilia from diverse Jewish cultures and eras.

Museum: https://www.bethahabah.org/bama/
Notes: The Beth Ahabah Museum & Archives collects, preserves and exhibits materials that relate to Jewish history and culture – with particular emphasis on Richmond, Virginia – so that Jewish history and culture may be documented, interpreted and passed on to future generations.

Museum: https://www.beth-tzedec.org/page/museum
Notes: Housing the fifth largest Judaica collection in North America, Beth Tzedec's Reuben & Helene Dennis Museum opened in 1965 with the acquisition of the extensive Judaica collection of the renowned Jewish historian, Dr. Cecil Roth. The Roth Collection includes more than one thousand ceremonial objects, including silver Torah ornaments, exceptional ketubbot from around the world, rare Esther scrolls, Hanukah lamps, unique life-cycle objects such as the distinctive Berlin double-seated circumcision chair, and items for the Sabbath, Rosh Ha Shanah, Passover and Sukkot. Over the years the Museum’s permanent holdings have grown through donations and purchases, bringing the collection to over 2500 artifacts representing Jewish art and history from ancient times to the present.

Museum: https://www.thebreman.org/
Notes: The permanent exhibition presents a detailed history of the events that led up to the Holocaust, the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis during World War II, and those events that took place in its wake. In this highly informative Holocaust museum exhibition, the narrative of this dark time in human history is put forth in the voices of those who survived and made new lives in Atlanta. Absence of Humanity: The Holocaust Years, 1933-1945 was designed by local architect and Holocaust survivor Ben Hirsch, and features historic photographs, personal memorabilia, family documents, and videotaped interviews with Atlanta-area survivors.

Museum: https://candlesholocaustmuseum.org/
Notes: CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center is the only organization in the world dedicated to the memory of the twin victims and survivors of medical experimentation at Auschwitz. We honor and celebrate the lives of the Mengele Twins by telling their stories, to educate the world and prevent similar atrocities. Our institution is not only a witness to history, but also an active voice outside the museum walls. By working to prevent genocide on a global level and transform prejudice on a local level, we aim to create a world free from hatred and genocide.

Museum: https://www.riverspringhealth.org/derfner-judaica-museum/
Notes: The Judaica Museum was founded in 1982 when Riverdale residents Ralph and Leuba Baum donated most of their collection of Jewish ceremonial art to the Hebrew Home. A refugee from Nazi persecution, Ralph Baum had an intense desire to preserve and pass on to future generations the memory embodied in the objects he and his wife collected, the majority of which were used primarily by European Jews before the Holocaust.

Museum: https://www.temple-israel.org/museum
Notes: The mission of the Goodman Family Judaic & Archival Museum at Temple Israel is to preserve our cherished heritage. The Temple Israel Museum & Fine Arts Committee supports the Museum as a way to enrich the lives of our Temple families. Thanks to funding provided by the Goodman Family Judaica Museum Fund, we’re able to collect, preserve and exhibit articles from antiquity to modern times that represent the historical, artistic and cultural development of the Jewish people.

Art Gallery: https://www.sdcjc.org/gag/
Notes: The Gotthelf Art Gallery is part of the San Diego Center for Jewish Culture and is devoted to expanding and enriching cultural life in San Diego by presenting the finest in Jewish artistic expressions, encouraging the preservation of Jewish culture and heritage, and nurturing new creativity in the arts.

Museum: http://huc.edu/research/museums/huc-jir-museum-new-york
Notes: The Dr. Bernard Heller Museum in New York is the visual extension of the spiritual, cultural, and educational life of the College-Institute, which provides graduate and professional programs for students of all faiths. It presents exhibitions, educational programs, and publications illuminating Jewish history, culture, and contemporary creativity and offers traveling exhibitions to venues throughout North America and around the world. 

Museum: https://www.holocaustcenter.org/
Notes: Several exhibitions explain Jewish history and the descent into Nazism to the postwar period.

Museum: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/
Notes: The Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center is dedicated to teaching about the Holocaust to educators and students throughout the Midwest. This mission is accomplished directly through the exhibitions, courses, and programs available at the museum and through our outreach efforts.

Museum: https://www.rodephshalom.org/community/philadelphia-museum-jewish-art
Notes: The Philadelphia Museum of Jewish Art (PMJA), located within historic Congregation Rodeph Shalom is dedicated to exhibiting contemporary art that illuminates the Jewish experience. Since 1975, the PMJA has organized solo and group exhibitions of work in the broadest range of mediums by artists of diverse backgrounds. In addition to its special-exhibit gallery, the Museum features a permanent collection of important works by accomplished artists, including William Anastasi, Chaim Gross, Tobi Kahn, Joan Snyder, Shelley Spector, Boaz Vaadia and Roman Vishniac.

Events: https://www.jartsboston.org/
Notes: The Jewish Arts Collaborative (JArts™) explores and presents the rich, diverse, and creative world of Jewish arts and culture—past, present, and future—to the widest possible audience, in venues across Greater Boston. Through a broad range of programming spanning the traditional to the innovative, we present the finest local, national, and international talent creating artistic work with a distinctive Jewish voice.

Art Gallery: https://jccmanhattan.org/arts-film/laurie-m-tisch-gallery
Notes: The Laurie M. Tisch Gallery, located in the lobby of the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan, is a versatile exhibition space dedicated to the promotion of multidisciplinary exhibits that offer new perspectives on the rich history and values of the community. The gallery hosts five to six exhibitions every year, each one running for approximately two to three months. Exhibits range from solo artist shows to historical multimedia exhibits and touring shows from museums and galleries around the world. A public space, the Gallery welcomes thousands of people each week, young and old, Jewish and not Jewish. All visitors can engage with the images and ideas expressed in this unique public space.

Museum: http://www.rcjl.org/jewish-heritage-museum/

Museum: https://thejewishmuseum.org/
Notes: Welcome to the Jewish Museum, a museum in New York City at the intersection of art and Jewish culture for people of all backgrounds. Whether you visit our home in the elegant Warburg mansion on Museum Mile, or engage with us online, there is something for everyone. Through our exhibitions, programs, and collection of nearly 30,000 works of art, ceremonial objects, and media, visitors can journey through 4,000 years of art and Jewish culture from around the world.

Museum: https://mizelmuseum.org/
Notes: The Mizel Museum, an educational, nonprofit organization, is Denver’s only museum that addresses today’s social justice issues through the lens of Jewish history and values. We encourage people of all ages and backgrounds to celebrate diversity and equality and to combat discrimination and hatred. Our programs, events and exhibits address these and other social issues and encourage positive change in our communities.

Museum: http://www.slu.edu/mocra
Notes: Through exhibitions, collections and educational programs, MOCRA highlights and explores the ways contemporary visual artists engage the religious and spiritual dimensions. MOCRA serves the diverse Saint Louis University community, and the wider public, by facilitating personal discovery, experience and inspiration, while contributing to a wider culture of interfaith encounter and dialogue.

Museum: http://www.yumuseum.org/
Notes: YUM’s collection of more than 10,000 artifacts, exhibitions, installations and programs provide a window into Jewish culture around the world and throughout history. We provide visitors of all ages with dynamic interpretations of Jewish life past and present from a multidisciplinary perspective. The Museum’s exhibitions examine Jewish communities, culture, and history and present the work of emerging and established artists who treat Jewish themes and perspectives.

Museum: https://www.jewishhistorymuseum.org/
Notes: The Jewish History Museum is located in Barrio Viejo, an historic neighborhood on the southern edge of downtown Tucson. The museum features the first synagogue built in the Arizona Territory (1910) and Arizona's only Holocaust History Center. Through educational and community outreach, exhibitions, and public programs, the museum explores the histories and contemporary experiences of Jewish people in Southern Arizona and purposefully places them in conversation with the experiences of other traditionally marginalized communities. The Holocaust History Center presents the Holocaust through the life experiences of more than 260 Holocaust survivors who both survived Nazi persecution and later lived in Southern Arizona. The center includes a contemporary human rights gallery which hosts annual rotating exhibitions that highlight present-day human rights violations and issues of social justice. The Jewish History Museum campus includes numerous exterior spaces including a sculpture garden and contemplation space. The museum is dedicated to its work strengthening connections across the communities that comprise Southern Arizona and using the past as a tool to pave the way toward a more just and peaceful future.

Travelling Exhibition: https://jewishmuseum.ca/
Notes: The Jewish Museum and Archives of BC is dedicated to the collecting and sharing of community memories of Jewish life in British Columbia. The ever-growing collection includes documents, photos, and oral histories that recount the history of our community. Through innovative exhibits and programming, the JMABC builds bridges with the diverse communities of BC and heightens awareness of the rich 150 year history of Jews in BC.

Museum: https://jewishmuseummilwaukee.org/
Notes: Jewish Museum Milwaukee explores the history of the Jewish community in Southeastern Wisconsin.  Through engaging displays and interactive components, JMM celebrates Milwaukee’s Jewish community and explores the broad American and Jewish experience.

Museum: http://jmof.fiu.edu/
Notes: Visit the museum TODAY and view our core exhibition Mosaic:Jewish Life in Florida and our temporary art and history exhibitions

Museum: https://www.jewishmuseum.com.au/
Notes: Our collection is made up of over 20,000 items that have been donated and acquired since the late 1970s. Encompassing historical and contemporary Judaica, visual art, photography, textiles, personal and ceremonial objects, documents and books, our collection is driven by a desire to share and preserve the Jewish history and culture. Our collection primarily represents the unique social and cultural history of Australia’s Jewish communities, but it also includes items that signify the broader history and practices of Jewish people from across the world.

Museum: https://sydneyjewishmuseum.com.au/
Notes: The Sydney Jewish Museum collects and conserves original memorabilia related to the Holocaust, Judaica and Australian Jewish history to make these available for display and research for generations to come. Our collection drives our exhibitions, research and education programs.

Museum: https://www.jhc.org.au/
Notes: Our permanent exhibition takes the visitor on a captivating journey through the history of the Holocaust, where photos, artefacts and documents donated by Melbourne survivors provide evidence and illustration of life for Jewish people in Nazi-occupied Europe.

Museum: http://www.jewishonlinemuseum.net/
Notes: In this virtual museum, the collection (to date) is made up of photographic images of objects, documents and materials privately and publicly owned by individuals and organisations across New Zealand.

Museum: https://www.holocaustcentre.org.nz/
Notes: The Holocaust Centre of New Zealand (HCNZ) is the nation’s leading organisation in Holocaust education and remembrance, dedicated to ensuring the lessons of the Holocaust remain relevant today and for future generations. Our activities span teaching, research, publishing, archiving, public commemorations and events, and recording and sharing survivor testimonies.

Museum: https://www.aucklandmuseum.com/visit/galleries/top-floor/holocaust-gallery

Museum: https://museeholocauste.ca/en/
Notes: The Montreal Holocaust Museum tells the story of Jewish communities before, during and after the Holocaust. Through the life stories of Montreal survivors, the Museum invites visitors to reflect on the destruction caused by prejudice, racism and antisemitism.

Museum: https://en.gross-rosen.eu/
Notes: The exhibition informs not only about the history of the camp, it also introduces cruel realities of prisoners’ everyday life. Exposition includes household articles, some of which were made by prisoners. It is supplemented with fragments of recollections of everyday life in a death camp, accompanied by the pieces of graphic art by ex-prisoners: Jan Komski , Szmul Laitner, Antoni Gładysz.

Museum: https://www.corrietenboom.com/en/home
Notes: The Corrie ten Boom Museum is located in the house where three generations of the Ten Boom family lived between 1837 and 1945. The Corrie ten Boom House can only be visited with a guided tour. During a tour, visitors receive information about Corrie and her family, and about the events that took place in the Ten Boom house before and during the Second World War. Visitors can see the hiding place, family photographs and objects from the Second World War. The entire upper floor has been made into an exhibition hall.

Museum: http://www.urban.ne.jp/home/hecjpn/indexENGLISH.html
Notes: This center is dedicated to those countless children who were ripped of their hope, their future and their lives. It displays items contributed by Holocaust centers in the United States, Australia, European countries, and Israel and by many individual survivors who voluntarily cooperated so that the world would know what they had been through. These items are the witness of the period and each one unfolds the darkest era of the Holocaust. "The Holocaust Education Center" is located in Fukuyama-city, forty-five minutes from Hiroshima City where the atomic bomb was dropped fifty years ago, and one hour and ten minutes from Osaka. We hope that the center will contribute in deepening the understandings of the period and will help enhance awareness for world peace among young people.

Memorial: https://www.diz-emslandlager.de/dizen01.htm
Notes: The principal exhibition documents the history of the Emsland Camps from 1933 through 1945 and chronologically provides a context for the events within the history of the “Third Reich”, in-cluding the regional aspects. The focus is on the experiences of the prisoners while working in the moor and on how they lived and suffered in the camps. The secondary exhibition covers the post-war history of the Emsland Camps which is to be understood as a complex process that, although it has undergone various phases, is still incom-plete today.

Memorial: https://bergen-belsen.stiftung-ng.de/en/
Notes: The Bergen-Belsen Memorial is located on the southern Luneburg Heath, about 25 kilometres from the town of Celle, a former ducal seat. Founded in 1952, the Bergen-BelsenMemorial is the oldest national memorial in Germany, and it receives around 250,000 visitors a year. The Documentation Centre, which opened in 2007, features a permanent exhibition, a bookshop, a library and a museum café. All original buildings in the adjacent grounds of the former camp were demolished after the war. The remains of foundations are all that can be found now. Today the grounds are a cemetery with numerous graves and monuments

Archive: https://arolsen-archives.org/en/
Notes: Clarifying fates and looking for missing persons: for decades, these were the central tasks of the Arolsen Archives. To this day, we answer inquiries about some 20,000 victims of Nazi persecution every year. Our work in the fields of research and education is more important than ever to inform today’s society about the crimes perpetrated by the Nazis. The comprehensive online archive is an essential part of what we do. As an international center on Nazi persecution, we see it as our mission to contribute to debate on remembrance and coming to terms with the Nazi period, political persecution and racism.

Notes: The first exhibit about the Holocaust displayed in Cuba opened December 18, 2011 at the Centro Sephardi in Havana.  The exhibit, “We Remember – The Holocaust and the Creation of a Living Community,” shines a light on the Cuban Jewish experience of the Holocaust and raises awareness that a small Jewish community makes Cuba its home.

Museum: https://www.holocaustcentre.com/
Notes: Through its museum and programs, the Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre generates knowledge and understanding about the Holocaust and serves as a forum for dialogue about civil society for present and future generations.

Museum: https://museodelholocausto.org.ar/

Notes: The Jewish Museum charts the arrival and settlement of Jewish migrants in the bay of Sosúa. In 1938, at the Evian Conference, only the Dominican Republic agreed to welcome Jewish refugees. They were granted land that formerly belonged to an American banana company. In this untamed spot, some 600 refugees built the village of El Batey, now the town's tourist hub and still home to the synagogue.

Museum: https://www.ravensbrueck-sbg.de/en/
Notes: On 21 April 2013, the new permanent exhibition on the history of the Ravensbrück concentration camp was opened at the Ravensbrück Memorial in the presence of survivors, representatives of survivor associations and groups of supporters, public figures, and many other interested individuals. This exhibition, which is displayed across two storeys of the renovated former SS headquarters building, is the first to provide a more comprehensive insight into the history of the Ravensbrück camp complex, comprising the women’s concentration camp, the men’s camp, the Uckermark ‘juvenile protective custody camp’, the Siemens camp, and the many satellite camps. A digital model of the camp depicts the development of the camp complex. The exhibition includes media points with accounts from 54 survivors as well as 152 biographies of former prisoners. In addition to the 13 main introductory texts, there are 35 thematic texts, 160 texts on individual topics, 80 folders, 17 video points, and 22 audio points to provide a more in-depth look at the history of the site. Around 1,000 photos and documents and roughly 500 objects are also on display, some of them for the first time.

Museum: http://ctholocaust.co.za/
Notes: Through our exhibitions, events and workshops we endeavour to commemorate the victims and survivors of the Nazi regime and the numerous genocides that happened before and since the Holocaust. We do this to highlight the consequences of prejudice and racism in all of its forms, and to draw attention to the dangers of indifference, apathy and silence. We believe that learning about the past supports the building of a human rights culture and reinforces empathy and compassion. Learning about the past, and the moral and ethical issues it raises, is instructive in dealing with contemporary human rights abuses, for example, homophobia, xenophobia, racism and bigotry. We hope that visiting the Cape Town Holocaust and Genocide Centre will afford visitors a deeper understanding of what it means to be human.

Museum: http://www.shhkjrm.com/english/content/index.html
Notes: From 1933 to 1941, Shanghai became a modern-day “Noah’s Ark” accepting around 30,000 Jewish refugees fleeing the Holocaust in Europe. In the “Designated Area for Stateless Refugees” in Tilanqiao area of Shanghai, about 20,000 Jewish refugees lived harmoniously with local citizens, overcoming numerous difficulties together. By the time the Second World War ended in 1945, most of the Jewish refugees had survived. Dr. David Kranzler, a noted Holocaust historian, called it the “Miracle of Shanghai” and commented that within the Jewry’s greatest tragedy, i.e. the Holocaust, there shone a few bright lights. Among the brightest of these is the Shanghai haven. In the "Tilanqiao Historic Area”, the original features of the Jewish settlement are still well preserved. They are the only typical historic traces of Jewish refugee life inside China during the Second World Wa

Museum: http://en.sempomuseum.com/
Notes: Welcome to the website of the Chiune Sugihara Sempo Museum. The museum celebrates the memory and legacy of my grandfather, whose selfless actions as a diplomat in wartime Europe nearly eight decades ago saved the lives of thousands of Jewish refugees from slaughter by the Nazis.

Museum: http://www.museujudaico.org.br/index_us.php
Notes: The Rio de Janeiro Jewish Museum, founded in 1977, with the donation of a menorah (a seven armed candlestick, one of the main symbols of Judaism) is a dynamic cultural centre, deeply inserted in the city life, with structured activities that aim to preserve both to cope with the memory of the Jewish culture as well as with its dynamic aspects. The Museum keeps permanent displays about the history of the Jewish community of Rio de Janeiro and also about Jewish traditions in all its aspects: religious, cultural and historical. The Museum also provides exhibitions - in its premises as well as in other institutions; it also fosters academic researches about immigration, and annual students ´contests. The Museum has a permanent Study Nucleus, with researches about immigration and the Holocaust; more than a thousand CD titles about Judaism and last but not least a Jewish Library.

Museum: http://novo.museujudaicosp.org.br/
Notes: Aboard the Portuguese ships of Pedro Alvares Cabral, who discovered The Land of the Holy Cross (now Brazil) in 1500 there were several Jews fleeing the Inquisition in Portugal. Over the centuries, several waves of immigration reached different areas of the immense Brazilian territory, dispersing Jews originating from Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East through the Brazilian society. The Jewish Museum of Sao Paulo is a generating entity and diffusing knowledge about Judaism and what is Jewishness, expanding the dialogue between people of different cultures and religions, for a harmonious coexistence in Brazilian society.

Museum: http://museojudio.org.ar/
Notes: Uniquely, this museum narrates the stories of the immigrants, our traditions and the Jewish colonies. Commited to transmit what is characteristic of the Jewish people, we present an interactive tour through a permanent collection in constant dialogue with the present aiming to create a link between the exhibition and interpretation.

Museum: http://mij.cl/
Notes: The Interactive Jewish Museum of Chile seeks to inform, educate and disseminate to visitors, the history of the Jewish people with its peculiarities in context with the history of the world; and its impact on Western culture universal.

Museum: http://www.museojudiomexico.com.mx/
Notes: The intention of this museum is to show the world that six million is not a mathematical number, but that there were 6 million human beings massacred for the sole crime of being Jewish. The museum's collection has 1,100 photographs that tell the life of the Jews of Eastern Europe, basically Russia and Poland before the Holocaust, during the Holocaust, the liberation of the camps, the creation of the Edo. From Israel and the survivors in Mexico.

Museum: http://museosefardi.com.ve/indexen.html
Notes: The Museum defines its mission statement as to compile, conserve, study and divulge the cultural heritage of the Jewish People, comprising documents, books, objects and art pieces that are testimony of the history, culture and values, especially of the Jewish community of Venezuela.

Synagogue: http://snoa.com/
Notes: Just 40 miles off the South American coast of Venezuela on the Dutch Caribbean Island of Curaçao, lies our Mikve Israel Emanuel Synagogue, the oldest synagogue in continuous use in the Western hemisphere, welcoming tourists and pilgrims from all over the world. Immerse yourself in its mythical atmosphere and beauty and take time to explore its history and unique architectural features. Visit our adjoining museum and its priceless display of Judaica artifacts exhibits as well and don’t forget to shop for wonderful souvenirs in our synagogue’s gift shop. Learn more about Jewish history on Curaçao and our small but vibrant Jewish community of today and be sure to book a narrated tour, if you can. Remember, if the spirit takes you, there are many more Jewish heritage sites to explore on Curaçao and interesting publications to read.

Museum: http://centroshoa.org.uy/
Notes: The Shoá Museum in Uruguay was created by Holocaust survivors some time after the Holocaust Reminder Center was founded in 1953, being the first in South America.

Museum: http://www.angelfire.com/vt/museojudio/index3.html

Museum: http://www.museomoisesville.com.ar/
Notes: Our museum is a historical museum belonging to the town hall of Moisés Ville. It is worth visiting it as it will let you know about the agricultural Jewish colonization in Argentina before Baron Hirsch’s action and about the development of the colony and town to the present days. The first Jewish immigrants came from Kamentez, Podolsk (today Ukraine) in 1889 and settled in Moisés Ville, thus turning the town into the cradle of Jewish Colonization and the so called “Jerusalem of Argentina.”

Museum: https://www.facebook.com/walterkochmann.museojudiodelparaguay/
Notes: Objects of historical, documentary and artistic value are exhibited in the Jewish Museum of Paraguay. Three thematic rooms allow visitors to access the complex symbolic environment of the Hebrew culture, with a thoughtful look at the Holocaust and highlights of the presence of Jews in Paraguay.

Museum: https://www.nmajh.org/
Notes: The National Museum of American Jewish History, on Independence Mall in Philadelphia, presents educational programs and experiences that preserve, explore, and celebrate the history of Jews in America. Its purpose is to connect Jews more closely to their heritage and to inspire in people of all backgrounds a greater appreciation for the diversity of the American Jewish experience and the freedoms to which Americans aspire. Through our interactive galleries, explore how, when, and from where Jews immigrated to America. Learn about the choices and challenges they confronted, and the ways in which they shaped, and were shaped by, their American home.

Museum: https://www.memorializieu.eu/
Notes: A place of history and remembrance open to all, the Maison d’Izieu Memorial perpetuates the memory of the Jewish children and adults who found refuge there from May 1943 until the raid on 6th April 1944.Rooted in the present and focused on the future, it extends our thinking to crimes against humanity and the circumstances leading to them.By evoking the memory of the Jewish children and helpers of Izieu, the Memorial sets out to fight all forms of intolerance and racism.

Archive: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/lowy-collection/pages/lowy-collection.aspx
Notes: The Jacob M. Lowy Collection is Canada's national treasure of old and rare Hebraica and Judaica. Its intellectual scope spans religious, scientific, historical and philological thought emanating from presses in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. It now comprises approximately 3000 volumes printed between the 15th and 20th centuries. The Lowy Collection is rich in examples of printing in Hebrew, Yiddish, Judeo-Arabic and Judeo-Spanish as well as in Latin, Greek and numerous European vernacular languages. Among its highlights are 34 Hebrew, Latin and Italian incunables (books printed in the 15th century) and fragments thereof, over 120 editions of bibles in many languages and important editions of the works of the first century historian Josephus.At the heart of the Collection are the first and early editions of Talmud, codes of law, responsa, legal and biblical commentaries and mystical texts. More information about these and other editions can be found in the 1981 exhibition catalogue Incunabula, Hebraica & Judaica, along with descriptions and images of 150 of its greatest treasures.

Museum: https://www.jhcwc.org/about/jewish-museum-of-western-canada
Notes: The Marion and Ed Vickar Jewish Museum of Western Canada is a visually dynamic environment offering viewers in-depth information about topics and ideas integral to the understanding of our community. One large exhibit case and four large windows make up the west wall of the Elaine and Percy Goldberg Family Walkway which leads from the Asper Jewish Community Campus lobby through to the Shenkarow Family Administration Centre, the site of the offices of several Jewish community organizations. The east wall of the Walkway is used as a photographic gallery. The Freeman Family Foundation Holocaust Education Centre welcomes visitors with its iconic box-car doors which open from the Goldberg Walkway.

Museum: http://jcmm.ca/
Notes: The Jewish Canadian Military Archives is proud to honour the Jewish men and women who have served unselfishly and courageously in the Canadian armed forces from the earliest days of Canada's history, through the World Wars, Korea to the present.

Museum: https://museemontrealjuif.ca/
Notes: Our Museum is an innovative place to connect with Montreal’s diverse Jewish life & heritage through new cultural experiences. We lead visitors on walking tours, exhibit contemporary art, host cultural events, and serve up new takes on Jewish food.

Museum: http://jewishmuseumsj.com/
Notes: Welcome to the Saint John Jewish Historical Museum, the centre of Jewish heritage, culture, and history in the heart of Uptown Saint John, New Brunswick. We tell the story of the Jewish community of Saint John from its beginning in 1783 to the present day. Explore the Jewish history of Saint John, New Brunswick.

Museum: https://www.freud-museum.at/en/
Notes: In the former living quarters and office of Sigmund Freud in the house at Berggasse 19 in Vienna's ninth district, the Sigmund Freud Museum presents an exhibition documenting the life and work of the founder of psychoanalysis. Freud lived and worked in this house from 1891 until 1938, when on 4 June he was forced by the National Socialists to flee with his family into exile in England.

Museum: https://www.ushmm.org/#
Notes: Spanning three floors, our self-guided Permanent Exhibition, The Holocaust, offers a chronological narrative of the Holocaust through historical artifacts, photographs, and film footage. Throughout the exhibition, visitors will also encounter personal objects and the eyewitness testimonies of individual survivors.

Museum: http://www.lamoth.org/
Notes: Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust is a primary source institution, one that commemorates those who perished, honors those who survived, and houses the precious artifacts that miraculously weathered the Holocaust. The Museum provides free Holocaust education to students and visitors from across Los Angeles, the United States, and the world, fulfilling the mission of the founding Holocaust Survivors to commemorate, educate, and inspire. Through engagements and education programs that value dialogue, learning, and reflection, the Museum believes that we can build a more respectful, dignified, and humane world.

Museum: http://www.museumoftolerance.com/
Notes: Recipient of the Global Peace and Tolerance Award from the Friends of the United Nations, the Museum of Tolerance (MOT) is a human rights laboratory and educational center dedicated to challenging visitors to understand the Holocaust in both historic and contemporary contexts and confront all forms of prejudice and discrimination in our world today. 

Synagogue: https://www.tourosynagogue.org/?view=featured
Notes: Touro Synagogue, a building of exquisite beauty and design, steeped in history and ideals, and one of the most historically significant Jewish buildings in America, was designated a National Historic Site in 1946.  Dedicated in 1763, it still serves an active congregation and each year greets over 30,000 visitors who come to see the magnificent interior and hear its remarkable story.

Museum: http://jewishmuseummd.org/
Notes: Welcome to the Jewish Museum of Maryland, America’s leading museum of regional Jewish history, culture and community, located in downtown Baltimore. The Museum interprets the Jewish experience in America, with special attention to Jewish life in the state of Maryland. The Museum was founded in 1960 to rescue and restore the historic Lloyd Street Synagogue, and has become a cultural center for the Jewish community and for those interested in Jewish history and traditions. Today, the Museum campus includes the historic Lloyd Street and B’nai Israel Synagogues and a modern museum building with changing exhibition galleries, program areas, a research library, museum shop, and meeting rooms. Through our collections, exhibitions, sites and programs, we encourage discourse about Jewish life in Maryland and beyond. Come join us for an exciting, engaging museum experience.

Museum & Art Gallery: https://www.skirball.org/
Notes: The Skirball Cultural Center is a place of meeting guided by the Jewish tradition of welcoming the stranger and inspired by the American democratic ideals of freedom and equality. We welcome people of all communities and generations to participate in cultural experiences that celebrate discovery and hope, foster human connections, and call upon us to help build a more just society.

Museum: http://www.maltzmuseum.org/
Notes: Committed to building bridges of understanding between people of all faiths, races and cultures, the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage celebrates individuals whose leadership, vision and humanity have changed our region for the better. Visitors to the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage step into a world filled with inspiring and moving stories of Jewish immigrants perhaps even their own ancestors and modern-day heroes. By incorporating state-of-the-art computer interactives, film, special effects, individual stories and oral histories, the Museum’s dramatic permanent exhibition is an uplifting and moving experience.

Museum: http://www.ojmche.org/
Notes: The artifact and archives collections at the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education document the experiences of Oregon Jews from our earliest history through today. We are the community repository for family, business, and institutional history, documenting Jewish life in Oregon through photographs, oral history interviews, artifacts, music, and written records.

Archive: https://magnes.berkeley.edu/
Notes: The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life was established in 2010 following the transfer of the Judah L. Magnes Museum to the University of California, Berkeley. Its remarkably diverse archive, library and museum holdings include art, objects, texts, music, and historical documents about the Jews in the Global Diaspora and the American West. As one of the world's preeminent Jewish collections in a university setting, it provides highly innovative and accessible resources to both researchers and the general public. 

Museum: https://jewishmuseumtulsa.org/
Notes: The Sherwin Miller Museum of Jewish Art (SMMJA) and its collections have been a part of Tulsa for decades. It began in 1965 when a local synagogue brought a traveling exhibit, “Traditional Ceremonial Art,” from the Jewish Museum in New York to the Tulsa community. It generated great interest in Jewish culture and art, and the following year, the Gershon and Rebecca Fenster Gallery of Jewish Art opened to the public. Sherwin Miller, the first Curator of the Gallery, began collecting Jewish art and artifacts in earnest.

Museum: http://www.jewishmuseumnj.org/index.html
Notes:  The concept for a Jewish museum emerged after visits by founder and former Board President Joseph Selzer to the Jewish Museum of Florida which is located in a restored 1936 synagogue in Miami Beach. Subsequently, it was realized that the State of New Jersey, which has the fourth largest Jewish population in the country and can trace its Jewish roots to the 17th century, did not have a permanent state-wide museum to preserve and exhibit the state’s Jewish history. To fill this void, Mr. Selzer formed a small group of interested individuals to provide the leadership for the establishment of a Jewish museum in New Jersey.

Museum: http://www.thesam.org/index.htm
Notes: The Sam Azeez Museum of Woodbine Heritage was created to remember and record this past while also actively collecting the materials to preserve its continuing heritage. It is a destination for visitors and a local resource for the entire Woodbine community so that they may continue to use the Woodbine Brotherhood Synagogue building as a place to come together. Built by the early Woodbine colonists, the synagogue is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The sanctuary has been restored and is available for special worship services. The lower level, Brotherhood Hall, houses the museum's permanent and temporary exhibitions. Also included is a community sculpture, the Collective Memory Wall, where the Woodbine community has contributed personal memories of Woodbine.

Museum: https://msje.org/
Notes: The Museum’s importance lies not only in the preservation of this unique history, but in its potential to engage current and future generations in an on-going conversation about American values. Through dynamic, interactive exhibits and compelling educational programming, every visitor to the Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience will gain new perspectives on how America was built, what makes it strong, and how it might continue to grow, enabling meaningful and secure lives.

Museum: https://mainejewishmuseum.org/
Notes: Celebrate and honor the contributions and diversity of Maine’s Jewish immigrants in the context of the American experience. Through exhibits, programming, and dialogue the Museum seeks to build bridges of appreciation and understanding with people of all backgrounds.

Museum: https://www.biblicalarts.org/
Notes: The beautifully remodeled Museum boasts eleven galleries, The National Center for Jewish Art, Museum of Holocaust Art, European Art Treasury, an on-site Art Conservation Lab, Via Dolorosa Sculpture Garden, and other major pilgrimage attractions. The Museum offers myriad programs, field trips, and events for art appreciators of all ages, backgrounds, and beliefs. 

Museum: https://www.dhhrm.org/
Notes: Learn about the 3000-year history of the Jewish people. Hear about the 2000+ years of persecution they experienced that led to the murder of six million Jews during the Holocaust. The Holocaust/Shoah Wing (Hebrew for ‘catastrophe’) explores the savagery of the Einsatzgruppen, their acts of individual murder and terror, followed by the events that culminated in the “Final Solution” and the industrialized killing of the Nazi death camps. Follow the stories of Upstanders throughout the wing to see some humans at their best when confronted with terrible inhumanity.

Museum: https://hmh.org/

Museum: http://hmmsa.org/
Notes: Visitors will learn about the Holocaust through three primary exhibits. Our Memorial begins with the Nazi rise to power, and includes examples of the hateful video and print propaganda common to the day. Photographs, films, artifacts, and maps continue the story, bringing to life the 12 years of Nazi rule across Europe, and tracing the incremental steps that led to extermination in the killing fields and death camps. This includes a Torah Scroll on permanent loan from the Westminster Synagogue in London.

Museum: https://www.flholocaustmuseum.org/
Notes: One of the largest Holocaust museums in the country, The Florida Holocaust Museum is the result of St. Petersburg businessman and philanthropist Walter P. Loebenberg’s remarkable journey and vision. Loebenberg escaped Nazi Germany in 1939 and served in the United States Army during World War II. Together with a group of local businesspeople and community leaders, the concept of a living memorial to those who suffered and perished was conceived. Among the participating individuals were Survivors of the Holocaust and individuals who lost relatives, as well as those who had no personal investment, other than wanting to ensure that such atrocities could never again happen to any group of people.

Museum: https://www.jcm.museum/
Notes: Join us for an adventure as Jewish history and culture come to life! Relive famous biblical stories and explore traditions and customs. Whether you’re discovering a new culture or celebrating your own heritage, the Jewish Children’s Museum is a fun and educational environment for children and parents of all faiths and backgrounds.

Museum: https://www.kkjsm.org/
Notes: Learn more about Greek Jewry and Jewish Life on the Lower East Side. Our museum is open to the public every Sunday from 11am-4pm as well as by appointment and offers free guided tours.The museum serves as a repository for Greek Jewish history and culture. It also hosts a variety of events throughout the year including lectures, book signings, movie screenings, and concerts.

Museum: https://www.yivo.org/
Notes: The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is dedicated to the preservation and study of the history and culture of East European Jewry worldwide. We are the home of the foremost archives and library on this history and the presenter of acclaimed exhibitions, concerts, and lectures. For nearly a century, YIVO has pioneered new forms of Jewish scholarship, research, education, and cultural expression.

Museum: https://www.tisrael.org/wyner-museum/
Notes: The Wyner Museum was reopened in 1984 to house our Judaica collection, and tell important stories of our congregation and their families. Other the years we have mounted shows such as Women whose lives Span the Centuries, The Art of Amy Reichert, Palestine Now and Then, and a myriad of other art exhibits.

Museum: https://www.wsjhs.org/museum/home.html
Notes: The mission of the Washington State Jewish Historical Society is to promote interest in and knowledge of the life, history, and culture of the Jewish people and communities of Washington State. We are dedicated to discovering, preserving, and disseminating this history through publications, exhibits, displays, speakers, and tours.

Museum: https://kenesethisrael.org/museum
Notes: The Temple Judea Museum (TJM) is the only Jewish museum in Montgomery county, and is the only museum in the entire Philadelphia region that collects, preserves and displays objects relating to the entire history of the Jewish people through original, curated changing exhibitions. While the Temple Judea Museum is a family museum, located within a very active community synagogue, our visitors come from far and near.

Museum: https://timemphis.org/museum/
Notes: The Temple Israel Museum houses and proudly displays a remarkable treasure of Jewish ritual art featuring The Herta and Justin H. Adler Judaica Collection. Through its symbolic content or function, Jewish art illustrates the creative expression of the Jewish people based on their historical and religious experiences from antiquity to the present. The Adler Collection takes us into the homes and synagogues of places far away and people long since deceased.

Museum: http://www.jewishleadville.org/museum.html
Notes: Temple Israel is unique among restored buildings in the American West. Built in 1884, this frontier synagogue served a surprisingly large and active Jewish community until about 1912. Although no longer a regular, active synagogue, the building was fully restored by 2008. A permanent exhibition opened in 2012 that documents pioneer Jewish life with a collection of artifacts about Leadville, its resident Jews, Temple Israel as a synagogue, and life in a mining town in the 1880s and 1890s.

Museum: http://huc.edu/research/museums/skirball-museum-cincinnati
Notes: The Skirball Museum in Cincinnati has a long history as one of the oldest repositories of Jewish cultural artifacts in America. The first stage in the museum's development lasted for nearly a century, beginning when Hebrew Union College (HUC) opened in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1875 and over time began accepting donations of Judaic objects and books. In 1913, the College's Union Museum was founded with the assistance of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, becoming the first formally established Jewish museum in the United States.

Archive: https://www.lbi.org/
Notes: The Leo Baeck Institute – New York | Berlin is a research library and archive focused on the history of German-speaking Jews. Its extensive library, archival, and art collections comprise one of the most significant repositories of primary source material and scholarship on the centuries of Jewish life in Central Europe before the Holocaust.

Art Gallery: https://www.wjcenter.org/community/judaicagallery/
Notes: WJC is proud to have the Rabbi Irving and Marly Koslowe Judaica Gallery in our main lobby. This award-winning exhibition space is home to revolving exhibitions that mirror the Jewish world in microcosm. Through fine art, folk art and photography, our thematic shows are culled from contemporary artists, historical content and our members’ collections. The Gallery, in conjunction with other committees, often brings in artists and historians for associated lectures.

Art Gallery: http://kofflerarts.org/
Notes: Featuring a year-round program of exhibitions, publications, public programs and educational initiatives, the Koffler Gallery fosters new production while equally aiming to expand the visibility of existing work by Canadian and international artists. The program positions the contemporary Jewish experience in a context of comparative discussions of identity, memory and place.

Museum: https://www.emanuelsf.org/community/museum/
Notes: The Fine Museum serves as a venue for a popular series of changing exhibitions on a broad range of themes. Recent shows have focused on Jewish-American identity, the contemporary experience of Jewish holidays and rituals, and the variety of religious practices in Israel. Over the years the Museum has established a reputation for featuring works by internationally renowned Jewish artists such as Marc Chagall, Camille Pissarro, Peter Krasnow, Max Pollak, and Jacques Schnier. In addition, the Fine Museum has been a leader in recognizing emerging Jewish talent, presenting the West Coast premieres for artists Ori Sherman, David Moss, and Shalom of Safed.

Museum: https://caytonmuseum.org/
Notes: The first museum of its kind in Los Angeles, the Cayton Children’s Museum offers 21,000 square feet of discovery-based exhibits, immersive play and hands-on learning for children ages 0-10. With robust public programs, workshops, classes, camps, and arts and cultural activities offered seven days a week, the museum is designed around core universal values, giving children, youth and families a unique space to practice being their best selves.

Museum: https://nmajmh.org/about/
Notes: The purpose of the Museum is to preserve a record of the patriotic contributions of the men and women of the Jewish faith who served during and between times of war in the Armed Forces of the United States and as veterans thereof, from the time of the founding of this country to the present, for future generations by illustration through public education utilizing the Museum’s collections for exhibits, publications and educational programs.

Museum: https://mickveisrael.org/
Notes: Highlights of Your Tour: Our neo-gothic sanctuary, The two oldest Torah scrolls in North America, Our Holocaust Torah (you will learn of its ties to our congregation), Our collection of letters from George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and 10 other presidents

Art Gallery: https://www.spertus.edu/exhibits
Notes: Spertus Institute is a center for Jewish learning and leadership that invites people of all backgrounds to explore the multifaceted Jewish experience. Spertus Institute inspires learning, serves diverse communities, and fosters understanding for Jews and people of all faiths.

Museum: https://www.chizukamuno.org/learning/museum/
Notes: The Goldsmith Museum of Chizuk Amuno Congregation is a place of discovery and inspiration. The Museum strives to perpetuate Judaism through the medium of visual arts, to advance Jewish education, and to preserve the history of one of America’s oldest synagogues. Through museum exhibits and programming, the Goldsmith Museum aims to reinforce the timeless Jewish ideals of learning, worship, and acts of loving kindness in both the Jewish community and the wider world.

Museum: https://vilnashul.org/
Notes: The Vilna Shul is the last immigrant-era synagogue building that exists in downtown Boston. Located in historic Beacon Hill, the Vilna currently operates as a cultural center celebrating Jewish culture and its intersection with other cultures.

Art Gallery: https://gallery.jccdet.org/
Notes: The Janice Charach Gallery provides a forum for the creation, exhibition and interpretation of visually oriented media. We promote works of fine art created by Jewish and non-Jewish artists providing unique opportunities for emerging and acknowledged artists.

Museum: https://www.eldridgestreet.org/
Notes: The Museum at Eldridge Street is housed in the Eldridge Street Synagogue, a magnificent National Historic Landmark that has been meticulously restored. Opened in 1887, the synagogue is the first great house of worship built in America by Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. Today, it is the only remaining marker of the great wave of Jewish migration to the Lower East Side that is open to a broad public who wish to visit Jewish New York. Exhibits, tours, cultural events and educational programs tell the story of Jewish immigrant life, explore architecture and historic preservation, inspire reflection on cultural continuity, and foster collaboration and exchange between people of all faiths, heritages and interests.

Museum: https://mjhnyc.org/
Notes: The Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust is New York’s contribution to the global responsibility to never forget. The Museum is committed to the crucial mission of educating diverse visitors about Jewish life before, during, and after the Holocaust.

Museum: https://www.ttti.org/the-temple-museum-of-jewish-art-religion-and-culture/
Notes: We are a warm, welcoming synagogue family where each person matters. We cherish our rich history and traditions and foster a dynamic culture of imagination and innovation. Members of all ages find meaning and inspiration by developing enduring personal connections with each other, Torah, God, the State of Israel, and the Jewish People, and through acts of justice and compassion.

Museum: https://elpasoholocaustmuseum.org/
Notes: Welcome to El Paso Holocaust Museum and Study Center conveniently located in the museum district of downtown El Paso. We are proud to be the only fully bilingual Holocaust museum, and one of only 13 free-standing Holocaust museums in the United States. The mission of El Paso Holocaust Museum and Study Center is to teach the history of the Holocaust in order to combat prejudice and intolerance through education, community outreach, and cultural activities.

Museum: https://cacoope6.wixsite.com/tolerancemuseum
Notes: In November 2009, the East Valley Jewish Community Center announced plans to build a museum dedicated to educating the public about the Holocaust in order for them to take action on issues facing the world today. The museum will address Holocaust history and education, other genocides, and current diversity and tolerance issues. A strong foundation for the museum is already established: award-winning RSP Architects, and renowned Holocaust scholar Michael Berenbaum serve as consultants, an education and outreach plan is nearly complete and community support for the project continues to grow. While it has been referred to as a Holocaust/Tolerance museum, the next steps include working with stakeholders to develop a name that accurately reflects the vision and mission of the project.

Museum: https://hmcec.org/
Notes: The Museum houses over 1,000 original photographs and artifacts related to the Holocaust and World War II. These items are displayed chronologically, from the rise of Nazism to the Allied Liberation and Nuremberg Trials. Many of the artifacts have been donated or permanently loaned to the Museum by local Survivors, Liberators and other dedicated people. Of special interest are the photographs, documents and artifacts that belonged to the families of Survivors and Liberators who now live in Southwest Florida, many of whom are volunteers at the Museum.

Museum: https://historymuseum.kennesaw.edu/index.php
Notes: The Museum of History and Holocaust Education comprises one division within the Kennesaw State University Department of Museums, Archives & Rare Books (MARB). Formed in 2010, the Dept. of Museums, Archives and Rare Books is under the executive leadership of Dr. Catherine Lewis, professor of history at Kennesaw State University.

Museum: http://www.amudaish.org/
Notes: mud Aish Memorial Museum (AAMM) is a living memorial to all the victims of the Holocaust. The museum’s mission is to present the victim experience, with special emphasis on the perspectives of observant Jewish communities. It is the only Holocaust museum to focus on the role of faith and identity within the broader context of the annihilation of European Jewry.

Archives: http://americanjewisharchives.org/
Notes: The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives (AJA), located on the historic Cincinnati campus of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, was established in 1947 by renowned historian, Dr. Jacob Rader Marcus to collect, preserve, and make available for research, materials on the history of Jews and Jewish communities in the Western Hemisphere, including data of a political, economic, social, cultural, and religious nature. Today the AJA houses over ten million pages of documentation. It contains nearly 8,000 linear feet of archives, manuscripts, nearprint materials, photographs, audio and video tape, microfilm, and genealogical materials. The AJA exists to preserve the continuity of Jewish life and learning for future generations and aspires to serve scholars, educators, students, and researchers of all backgrounds and beliefs.

Museum: https://www.blmj.org/en/
Notes: The Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem presents the history of humanity through one of the most important collections of artifacts from the Ancient Near East – the Lands of the Bible. On display are the great civilizations that rose and flourished in this region – Sumer, Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Canaan, Persia, Greece and Rome, who were responsible for the advancements of Western civilization. These cultures developed our understanding of science and technology, language and writing, economics and commerce, faith and religion and material culture. We invite you to explore the greatest revolutions in our ancient history and to discover the power of the continuum that is constantly transforming the world we live in

Museum: https://www.tenement.org/
Notes: At a time when issues surrounding migrants, refugees, and immigration have taken center stage, the Tenement Museum is a potent reminder that, as a nation shaped by immigration, our brightest hope for the future lies in the lessons of the past. Our mission is to foster a society that embraces and values the role of immigration in the evolving American identity through guided tours; curriculum and programs for secondary and post-secondary educators; stories, primary sources and media shared on our website; and interactive online experiences such as Your Story, Our Story, podcasts and more.

Museum: https://hmlc.org/
Notes: The Holocaust Museum & Learning Center is dedicated to preserving the legacy of the Holocaust, educating about its causes and illustrating how what happened during this tragic period relates to our lives today. While learning Holocaust history is the key to understanding its roots, we have another duty: to empower visitors to make the world a kinder, safer, more tolerant place by rejecting all forms of hate, intolerance, racism, and bigotry.

Museum: https://kampwesterbork.nl/en/
Notes: The exhibition depicts Dutch war time under occupation, with special emphasis on the persecution of the Jews. The history of Camp Westerbork is represented by means of photographs, documents, drawings, paintings, images, maps, and objects. The documentation centre houses a collection of books, documents, photographs, and videotapes, which are all available for research. Visitors can also consult the Memorial Books of the ‘Oorlogsgravenstichting’ (War Graves Foundation). They record the names of more than 140,000 Dutchmen who were killed during World War II and who did not receive a proper burial.

Museum: https://www.lonelyplanet.com/morocco/casablanca/attractions/moroccan-jewish-museum/a/poi-sig/416678/1331580
Notes: It shows Jewish life in Morocco through the years and is dedicated to the preservation of Jewish culture, heritage, and history. There are five exhibition rooms and a library. The exhibits feature paintings, photographs and sculpture relevant to the history of Jewish life in Morocco. There are three rooms for exhibits and the other two rooms are exquisite reproductions of Moroccan synagogues.

Art Gallery: https://www.brooklynjewishartgallery.com/
Notes: The Brooklyn Jewish Art Gallery at CKI is a nonprofit that seeks to give a showcase for Jewish Artists and all artists who work in universal, uplifting themes. Congregation Kol Israel was built in 1924 and is a historic landmark designated by the New York Landmarks Conservancy. It is the oldest continuous Orthodox shul in Brooklyn.

Museum: http://www.tmo-tsuruga.com/kk-museum/index_e.html
Notes: Tsuruga was the only Japanese port opened to the Polish orphans in 1920,and to the Jewish refugees with Visas For Life in 1940. Since ancient times, Tsuruga Port flourished as a gateway to the Continent and was known as the “Harbor of the East” and later as the Port of Humanity.

Notes: Shinshin AOKI (青木進々) visited Auschwitz while working in Europe and the experience moved him so much he decided to organize the Nationwide Auschwitz Memorial Tour “Auschwitz Engraved in Our Hearts” in Japan in 1988. The exhibition was displayed 110 times and eventually found a “permanent” home the Auschwitz Peace Museum Japan in its current location.

Museum: www.holocaustfund.org
Notes: The Holocaust Memorial centerfor the Jews of Macedonia is an institution for the documentation, study and interpretation of Holocaust history, and serves as Macedonia's memorial to the people murdered during the Holocaust in the concentration camp Treblinka.

Museum: https://www.nationalww2museum.org/
Notes: The National WWII Museum tells the story of the American experience in the war that changed the world—why it was fought, how it was won, and what it means today—so that all generations will understand the price of freedom and be inspired by what they learn.

Museum: https://www.nehm.org/
Notes: Inspired by a group of Holocaust survivors who found new lives in the Boston area, the New England Holocaust Memorial was built to foster reflection on the impact of bigotry and the outcomes of evil during World War II and to this day.

Museum: https://nmholocaustmuseum.org/
Notes: At the Holocaust & Intolerance Museum of New Mexico, our mission is to eliminate hate and intolerance, one mind at a time. We accomplish this through exhibits and education programs that teach about genocide, prejudice, human rights, and social justice issues. These lessons are the foundation that build understanding and compassion in a troubled world.

Museum: https://www.vaholocaust.org/
Notes: Located on the First Floor of the Museum, our core exhibits narrate the complex and sobering history of the Holocaust. As visitors progress through these exhibits—and chronologically through the events of the Holocaust—they are presented with a glimpse into the systematic destruction of European Jewry and the dangers of intolerance. Three hundred artifacts and the testimonies of local Holocaust survivors expand upon this history representing the tangible and personal realities of this tragic event.

Museum: www.museum.speyer.de info@museum.speyer.de
Notes: The Historical Museum of the Palatinate is the general museum of the historical Palatinate, a former district of Bavaria (1816-1947) and Rhineland-Palatinate (1947-1968/2000). The museum is situated in the historical centre of the City of Speyer near the 11th century cathedral. It contains permanent exhibitions of its various collections (Prehistory and history of the Palatinate until the 20th century, the cathedral´s treasure, the wine museum) and high standard facilities for special exhibitions. The Judaica collection contains about 200 objects.

Museum: ijamuseum.org
Notes: Founded in Jerusalem in 1983, the Umberto Nahon Museum of Italian Jewish Art was set up to collect, preserve and display objects pertaining to Jewish life in Italy from the Renaissance period through to the present time. This is the only museum that collects original artistic objects and documentation from all the Jewish communities throughout Italy.

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