Steps leading to the Synagogue. City was the center of Moravian jewry from mid 15th-mid 19th century.

Beautifully restored Synagogue. Aron Ha-Kodesh

Beautifully restored Synagogue. Aron Ha-Kodesh

Vaulted ceilings,

View from back pews

From the women’s gallery

From the women’s gallery

Outside steps leading to the chateau

Aron Ha-Kodesh

Aron Ha-Kodesh

Moravian motif on ceilings

Stained glass windows

Fresco on walls

Bohemia map

Moravia map

Sculpted Moravian motif on ceiling and arches

Hanging in Sanctuary

Memorial for those who died in the Shoah

Remaining brickwork of old Synagogue

Archive photo on street poster

Poster describing Mikvah

Poster describing Mikvah

Steps down to reach the Mikvah

Landing before reaching the Mikvah

Steps to bath

Steps to bath

Outside of Jewish Cemetery

Poster describing Jewish life, Jewish Cemetery

Poster describing Jewish life, Jewish Cemetery

Map of Jewish Quarter, Jewish Cemetery

Memorial to famous Rabbis, Jewish Cemetery

Description of ceremonial hall

Exhibit inside

Jewish Cemetery

Jewish Cemetery


Jewish school

Home of Jewish family


Home of Jewish family

Jewish Quarter
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